Starting ETMOOC
This is my introductory post for ETMOOC. I am Frances Bell and ,until 31 January, a Senior Lecturer in the University of Salford, and then who knows what? I will definitely be spending more time in my beloved garden.
I enjoyed CCK08 my first MOOC, and I even wrote this paper and that paper from my experiences there. and I am looking forward to finding out more about this one.
I am @francesbell on Twitter and hope to meet interesting folk at ETMOOC.
catherinecronin January 22, 2013 - 9:08 pm
Hi Frances, just saw your #etmooc tweet. I’m so happy to see you here! I’ve been enjoying it for the past few days, though (as always) not spending as much time as I would like at it. Even so, I’m enjoying the conversations, the connections and some interesting resources already. Here’s my #etmooc posts… looking forward to joining you in the mooc-wild 🙂
francesbell January 22, 2013 - 9:23 pm
I am hoping to see some G+ action as I haven’t used it much.
catherinecronin January 22, 2013 - 9:28 pm
I’ve used G+ a bit… but Twitter is still my main hub. However, the Communities feature in G+ is good — streams for Intros & Topics mean that posts can be viewed in those threads (or all at once). And the ability to write longer posts is useful. Here’s a great capture I picked up from Howard Rheingold in the #etmooc Community yesterday:
See you there 🙂