Frances Bell

home at last – for all the mes


Welcome to Frances Bell – home at last for all the mes

How I got here I started blogging in 2006 with Elgg and moved to my own hosted site at when disappeared, but with enough warning for me to back up. All was well for 5 years, except that I wasn’t good at backing up and my ISP was a crook. One day, my…

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The Markedness of Identity

//[View the story “Markedness and Identity” on Storify] This little exchange on Twitter brought to mind a story of when I worked in a Computer Science department.  Out of a staff of about 30 academics, there were two women, and women were in a minority in the student group too.  I guess that sensitised me…

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Blogs- identity balance and meta homes

Since I retired from full-time employment two years ago, I have been planning to revamp my blog to become my personal web site.  I have had a quiet time for personal reasons but I am finding the new me and I’m ready to reach out a bit more. One of the things you lose when…

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