Frances Bell

home at last – for all the mes


Dimensions of power, knowledge and rhizomatic thinking

My first thought when I hear the word power is of an individual exerting power over another – getting them to do something or stop doing something (possibly by raising a physical or verbal fist). But I am guessing that’s not going to be enough in rhizomatic thinking where we are thinking about the connections…

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An informations systems perspective on learning technologies

I had to prepare a short contribution(it’s under two minutes) to our Research Awayday -I’d love to hear any comments


Premature Stabilisation of MOOCs and other things

opεnıng hıc▲nunc pεrspεctıvε Jef safi I have already posted on the recent discussion on MOOCs, and I was quite pleased with the discussion that ensued in the comments. There does seem to be some interest in the nature of the MOOC discussion, at least in the outer fringes anyway.  I had thought of posting a…

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Knowledge Transfer: old wine in new bottles or how many contentious statements can I make in one blog post?

Punning Wine By Mike Knell (includes edited content from a comment I made to Stephen Downes blog post) I have been watching a ‘debate’ unfold over the weekend with increasing mystification.  I even posted a couple of comments but I didn’t really feel that there was much idea exchange taking place. If you want to…

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