Frances Bell

home at last – for all the mes


Intentionality, Cliques and Agency

I read two posts about in/exclusion recently : one from sava singh about cliquenomics; and one from Maha Bali on Intentionality, Community, and When Open Isn’t Open. I really like the way that sava captures an observational view of community and how it can include and exclude. She identifies that although people can have malicious…

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Institutional fragility and resilience?

Individuals, networks and institutions –  in their impossible triangle of resilience My very lovely slice of the Interwebz has thrown up lots of interesting ideas about how all of us can (and can’t) take care of ourselves and each other, and how institutions respond to the idea that there might be a problem in caring…

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The Flexible concept of the Terrible Sea lion

I saw this cartoon again a week ago and it reminded me of my first reaction to it so I went off to see what some others thought. David Hopkins gave the following response to the Terrible Sea lion cartoon “I don’t tweet, but I’ve found the Sea Lion strip quite thought-provoking. The most interesting…

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