Four Days
Four days
Four days to say hello to the twin who was born, and breathed, but was never going to leave the hospital
Four days for twins who for thirty eight weeks had shared a womb, to share a room
Strong kicks and weak pushes
Four days while one twin thrived and the other failed gently as we knew he would
Four days suspended in the space between the gingerly anticipated and the actual
Hungry boy and hungerless boy
And on the fourth day, the privilege of just being with him as he slipped away
We looked backwards and launched ourselves into our four futures
Saving the bootees he wore for four days for nearly thirty thousand days.
Frances Bell August 2019
Yesterday was the 38th anniversary of the fourth day. Life goes on š
Gabi Witthaus August 23, 2019 - 8:45 am
A tender poem to commemorate a terrible event – I was very moved by this. I’m so sorry.
francesbell August 23, 2019 - 8:53 am
It was therapeutic to write – thanks Gabi.
caroline August 23, 2019 - 10:17 am
Sending my love to you, Frances…I feel you!
Life is, at times, indecipherable…Nevertheless, your poem grasps what our reason imbued with pain sometimes can’t, with so much love and so gently…
Warm wishes to all the family and I hope you all find comfort amongst each other in the love and tender care that the family can offer.
You are a wonderful woman!!
francesbell August 23, 2019 - 3:23 pm
Thanks Caroline – your warm wishes are very welcome.