Frances Bell

home at last – for all the mes

Trees, Memories and Hope

This is my first post since December 2020. A lot of water has passed under the bridge since then, for all of us. If we thought that 2020 was strange, I don’t think that we could have anticipated 2021. In our 2020 Christmas card, the greeting was: With best wishes to you and yours in…

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This is an image of a sunset with the words of a poem superimposed on it. The poem follows in the text of the post

Four Days

Four days Four days to say hello to the twin who was born, and breathed, but was never going to leave the hospital Four days for twins who for thirty eight weeks had shared a womb, to share a room Strong kicks and weak pushes Four days while one twin thrived and the other failed…

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Reflecting on death as a friend of life

  Jenny Mackness wrote a beautiful blog post Death is a friend of life on her return from a 4 day course with Ian McGilchrist that explores the divided brain. But Iain McGilchrist’s view is that life is literally on its way out in relation to the way in which we live our lives and…

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