Frances Bell

home at last – for all the mes


Ravelry: a knitting community as a site of joy and learning

That lyf so short, the craft so long to lerne

The Parliament of Fowls by Geoffrey Chaucer

Evidence that learning starts in the womb is revealed when babies hear lullabies that they will respond to after birth; and learning continues throughout life, as Chaucer says of love. We can all remember from an early age the social nature of learning – learning from family, friends, and subsequently peers from study and work contexts.  This is a community perspective, in contrast with a more typical view of learning as being chiefly the outcome of formal education.

Social Technologies

Social technologies have focused attention on networks and online/virtual communities. Virtual communities can be traced back to 1985 (and probably earlier) when the WELL started as a dial-up bulletin board. Early adopters of virtual community needed dial-up and later Internet access for their largely text-based communication: initially this was available to a minority, even in the global north. Despite this, bulletin boards existed for a broad range of hobbies and interests.

A parallel stream of development in virtual communication was in formal education: bulletin boards, web pages, and then groupware, and virtual learning environments.  Provision of Internet access at universities and colleges meant that students had access in educational institutions before it was commonplace in their homes.  The use of digital technologies in education and learning has moved from being conducted by pioneers and enthusiasts to being standardised as part of institutional administration, such as institutional virtual learning environments, and registration and student records systems. Much research effort (some of it to good effect) has been focused on the use of technology within online/offline classrooms and according to approved curricula.  This is research that tends to focus on what is provided, rather than how and why learners learn.  Even less attention has been paid to ways in which people, who would not identify themselves as students, are learning to do things that interest them with the help of the Internet.

The current context in the global north is of more people, across demographics of age and gender (if not class), having access to the Internet via broadband and mobile services.  Simultaneously, the variety of devices that we use to access the Internet contributes to a broader demographic, more people having access, devices and software becoming easier to use – smartphones, tablets and laptops. The combination of faster Internet access and devices with digital still and video cameras has enabled more people to create and consume multimedia – images, videos, audio and text.  Internet access then becomes less of an end in itself and more of an adjunct to what we do.

Knitting – Interest-driven learning assisted by social media

People of all ages follow their interests via the Internet – learning cartooning, playing games, studying esoteric topics. Of all of these interests, let’s look at a craft that has material, knowledge and social implications – knitting.

moebius strip

Knitted Moebius Strip by Pat Knight CC BY-NC 2.0


In an era when the local wool shop is becoming rarer, the Internet offers opportunities for purchasing yarns, needles, and patterns but going beyond that, what do knitters do on the Internet? Like other makers, they enjoy the opportunities to celebrate the products of their creativity: garments, knitted moebius strips, artefacts for the home, and public works of art. Such celebrations are visible on photo sites and knitting blogs, often interlinked so that the blogs can facilitate networking of knitters (via commenting, blogrolls and links within posts).


Knitters share ‘how-to’ videos on Youtube and other video-sharing sites.  If we don’t have a grandmother to stand behind us, helping our hands learn a new technique, the next best thing is watching a video, and trying out the stitch at the same time.  Video- and image-sharing sites become knowledge repositories but not solely dedicated to knitting and crochet.

Mason Dixon washcloths

Mason-Dixon Washcloths by Frances Bell CC-by-NCSA


Knitters have adopted social media with enthusiasm,and experienced unexpected consequences.  Mason-Dixon Knitting comprises Kay Gardiner who lives in Manhattan and Ann Shayne who lives in Nashville.  They came together via blogging through their shared interest in knitting that has led to a successful book, an iconic dishcloth pattern and a very useful web site.




Saltburnolympics knitting

Knitted canoeist – Saltburn pier by Hove9 CC by 2.0

Knitters have taken their passion to the streets (and piers) by engaging in guerrilla knitting or yarn-bombing to create street art.  This may be for self-expression or just fun, or for a reason : often anonymous and cloaked in mystery. One of my favourites is a celebration of London 2012 Olympics at Saltburn pier. There is no obvious activist reason for creating this pier art but the result was joyous, enjoyed by pier visitors and became a tourist attraction in Saltburn, North Yorkshire. Craftivism ( a mix of craft and activism) is about connecting beyond the individual crafter, and acting for broader issues.

When we unpick these achievements, we see that they go beyond the stereotype of the lone, gifted knitter. Knitters, like others, engage in learning networks and communities.  One of the places that knitters congregate online is at the knitting and crochet community site .


Ravelry is free to members, funded mainly by advertising but also by merchandising, pattern sales, Amazon and other affiliate programs.  Ravelry also engaged in donation drives at an earlier stage of its community development.

saartjeravelryRavelry – individual view by Frances Bell

Ravelry offers interesting affordances for becoming and being a knitter, learning in an active form.  Members can find patterns and yarns with the help of Ravelry, and create projects to record ongoing and completed knitting projects Figure 4.  Ravelry has a highly connected architecture, automatically displaying links to other projects using the same pattern and yarn. This means I can easily click a link to find the pattern, or images from one of the other 13900 projects using that pattern (to give me ideas on other yarns or colourways). Project owners are encouraged to rate patterns and yarns for sharing with other community members; and errors are soon corrected in this open community.  Ravelry is an international community with over four million members, who not only volunteer to translate popular patterns into other languages, but also moderate forums and collate help pages on collaborative wikipages within Ravelry itself. The whole thing runs with only 4 staff, one programmer and three editor/moderator/merchandising staff.

The Ravelry shop showcases Ravelry merchandise such as t-shirts and bags; the Marketplace where members offer supplies and services for knitting and crochet; and a Pattern Store where members sell their patterns.

The strong social element to Ravelry goes beyond member profiles and display spaces. Members can organise into groups to have local meetings, swap yarns, engage in knit-alongs (all making the same item), or associate with a particular shop.  Other groups are organised around a common interest, say in machine knitting or spinning.  Less formal opportunities for conversation are offered by forums, where members can help each other to solve problems or engage in general chat about knitting or crochet.

In our comparison of with, Gordon Fletcher and I found that Ravelry had strong community aspects and exhibited a permeable boundary compared with Etsy.  Ravelry seems to be a community that is happy to acknowledge activity and objects elsewhere, thus increasing its networking and social potential.

This openness and support for the community member makes it a source of good ideas for those wishing to support other learners in a community setting. Facebook, the very successful social networking site (SNS), would superficially seem to support the social aspects of learning, but a learner wishing to keep track of what they and others have created and learned might become frustrated with the ephemeral nature of sharing there. Ravelry exhibits a strong focus on the learning and doing of knitting, where social interaction becomes the glue that helps this happen.

Designers and implementers of learning environments aiming to promote learning community could learn a lot from studying Ravelry, especially if they are tempted to delegate the social aspects to a self-organised group on a general purpose SNS.

Properly practiced, knitting soothes the troubled spirit, and it doesn’t hurt the untroubled spirit, either. – Elizabeth Zimmerman, Knitting without tears.



Many thanks to Suzanne Hardy (Ravelry id: glittrgirl) for improving my interpretation of Ravelry. All errors are mine.


This article, written by Frances Bell,  is used under Creative Commons license  BBy-BY-NC-ND  from ISSUE 10 JUNE 2014
Using Social Media in the Social Age of Learning
Guest Editors Chrissi Nerantzi and Sue Beckingham


francesbell • June 21, 2014

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  1. jennymackness June 22, 2014 - 10:37 pm Reply

    Great to see this published Frances. This is a lovely example of informal, community learning. I love the Saltburn pier example. I wish I’d seen it.

    • francesbell June 23, 2014 - 1:04 pm Reply

      Thanks Jenny. I have been thinking a lot about community and learning recently and writing this article has helped me to sieve my thoughts a bit.

  2. Ravelry: a knitting community as a site of joy ...
  3. thereselawlorwright December 4, 2014 - 8:20 am Reply

    Thank you for this Frances. Followed your link and found loads of stuff there already.

  4. francesbell December 4, 2014 - 1:42 pm Reply

    Good to see you here Therese – if you follow the blog you will get email prompt for new posts.

  5. Revealing and celebrating learning beyond education | Francesbell's Blog
  6. Alyson Indrunas March 19, 2015 - 2:05 am Reply


    I discovered Ravelry because my dog is a Boston Terrier, and I discovered their logo at a yarn store. I came home and looked them up immediately. I’m sure you’ll get a bit of giggle here, but I eventually had to cut myself off of Ravelry! I found I was spending SO much time looking at what other people created it took me away from the time that I could knit. So many lovely things to look at, to marvel at, to dream about. Such a welcoming generous crowd. Knitters of all ages, backgrounds, and interests. They had music recommendations, cooking recipes, thoughts on how to teach your dog discipline…I kicked everything to curb to read Ravelry. Then I discovered the folks helping to translate patterns from one language to the next just for the spirit of sharing, and I was hooked (hee hee). I knitted a washcloth written in Arabic thanks to some woman in Portsmouth, NH who translated it. Wow! Throw in the clever words of writers describing their logic of patterns, and the next thing I knew it was time for bed! So, enough, I said, I wasn’t doing any knitting. Seriously, what was I doing? This is crazy, I thought. My yarn is collecting dust and I’m online looking at other people’s creations. No more Ravelry, I’m going to watch movies and knit.

    Here’s what Ravelry did do for me–they have that amazing chart for your needles, right? Open source! Take it, fill it out, print it–yours to enjoy, knitter friends! How nice! It’s so small that it fits into my wallet. I carry it everywhere. Now when I go to a yarn store, I can check out patterns and know which needles I have at home. Ravelry inspired me to get it together with my needle inventory.

    Now you have inspired me to return to Ravelry with a new set of eyes. I hadn’t even thought of the social aspect of learning. (Imagine fireworks in the sky here). I think you are onto something, Frances, with this post, the federated wiki, and communal connected learning. Substitute fedwiki in the last four paragraphs, and you’ve simplified an aspect of the fedwiki that is very difficult thing to explain. Our silly metaphor exchange has some real potential beyond fiber artists. It’s really quite lovely to me that we discovered this little joke because we were ships in the night in the fedwiki. Now I see that this connection is so powerful I can’t even remember our original page! Funny. Who cares? This is amazing!

    Today during the Hangout, Ward asked me to sum up the fedwiki using some of my metaphors. I have the silly connections with bikes and all of the fun we’ve been having with our fiber artist jokes. Oh, and I struggled! Ack. I don’t think I did a good job. I tried to talk about casting on with an idea only to have somebody else come along and want to use other needles. The yarn–or the idea–follows a pattern and the page is individual yet connected to others. My needles and your needles are different but we’re making something together. It’s the best learning experience I’ve had to date, and I really want others to get a sense of what it’s like. There is so much potential for teaching and learning that I’m not sure I understand yet, but it feels like something really positive. Like when I understood how to make the purl and the knit stitches and then how they made a right side and wrong side. How the rows created the pattern stitch by stitch. I got it, but it took awhile.

    Take all of my silly puns and metaphors, Frances, and spin something of your own connected to this post. I feel that you are the master knitter here, and I want to learn from you. I can’t imagine frogging anything you’ll create.

    Thank you for sharing this post, this is truly brilliant. Now I’m torn–do I head into the fedwiki, Ravelry, or do I go knit? Ha ha!

  7. francesbell March 19, 2015 - 11:53 pm Reply

    Aaah!! Alyson – you over estimate me. I am not an active Ravelry member and my knitting is not that great (had to frog 7 rows of my tea cosy today because I wasn’t paying attention). But !! I love that you have picked up on the learning aspects of Ravelry – so much to learn I think:)

  8. Frances Bell March 20, 2015 - 12:07 am Reply

    Part 2.
    And regarding what you say about the fedwiki – that touches my heart and I know we will all explore how we can use our metaphors, puns, and ramblings to stretch, strengthen and test the fedwiki that we love so much.

  9. Lisa Chamberlin March 20, 2015 - 5:50 am Reply

    Just to carry the metaphor on a little more (because, well, why not), the box of yarn and half finished crochet projects in my closet are like those stub pages and links to yet-created-pages in the fedwiki…so much potential…so little actual time to realize what they could be. Cheers ladies! Yarn on!

  10. Stars in the playground and hearts in the factory | Francesbell's Blog
  11. francesbell April 20, 2016 - 5:54 pm Reply

  12. New metaphors for learning | Jenny Connected
  13. Crafting as a networking and wellbeing activity for #Femedtech – Frances Bell
  14. Becoming part of a family of artists: a journey – Frances Bell

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