ECE 2011
I will write a more substantial reflection on ECE2011 but I just wanted to capture something of this wonderful event in a few words and pictures before my day out at Chatsworth with @courosa and @heloukee.
I was far too busy to take more than few photos with my iphone but these two images capture for me two of the important aspects of ECE 2011 –
first the team work (others were in the audience clapping),
and second the support for authors’ development of their work in our publication workshop.
What these pictures don’t capture was the richness of the experience for delegates but the following responses to a Tweet asking for one word to sum up ECE2011 do that pretty well:
Jane_Mooney Engaging
DavidCRoberts: whenisthenextconference
cristinacost superb!
IleneDawn convivial
lightb4sound Inspiring
rbw66 engrossing
ConnectIrmeli awareness
catherinecronin connect
francesbell Exhilirating
bunhill diverseloquent
CosmoCat Inspiring
ChrisNewm energizing
SueFolley thought-provoking
chrissinerantzi fruitful
lindacq Reflection
AleksejHeinze WOW!!!
_Tasha__ reflections
courosa Ricardo
gemturfer amazing
fredgarnett networked
mariakutar exhilarating
courosa Brilliant
torresk Inspiring
BenGuilbaud Inspirational