Frances Bell

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Journal Papers

Javiera Atenas, Helen Beetham, Frances Bell, Catherine Cronin, Jade Vu Henry & Sukaina Walji (2022) Feminisms, technologies and learning: continuities and contestations, Learning, Media and Technology, 47:1, 1-10, DOI: 10.1080/17439884.2022.2041830  [free access]

Beetham, H., Drumm, L., Bell, F., Mycroft, L., & Forsythe, G. (2022). Curation and collaboration as activism: emerging critical practices of #FemEdTech. Learning, Media and Technology, 47(1), 143-155. : preprint available at

Bell, F., Mackness, J. & Funes, M., 2016. Participant association and emergent curriculum in a MOOC: can the community be the curriculum? Research in Learning Technology, 24. Available at: .

Mackness, J., Bell, F. & Funes, M. (2015). The rhizome: a problematic metaphor for teaching and learning in a MOOC. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 32(1), pp.78–91. Available at:

Mackness, J., & Bell, F. (2015). Rhizo14 : A Rhizomatic Learning cMOOC in Sunlight and in Shade. Open Praxis, 7(1), 25–38. Retrieved from 

Bell, F., Fletcher, G., Greenhill, A., Griffiths, M., McLean, R.,(2014) Making madlab: A creative space for innovation and creating prototypes, Technological Forecasting and Social Change.

Bell, F., Fletcher, G., Greenhill, A., Griffiths, M. & MacLean, R., (2013), Science fiction prototypes: Visionary technology narratives between futures, Futures. 50, June, 2013, pp.5-14.

Keegan, H. & Bell, F., 2011. Youtube as a repository – the creative practice of students as producers of open educational resources. European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning, pp.1–10. Available at:

Bell, F. (2011), Connectivism: its place in theory-informed research and innovation in technology-enabled learning, The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 12(3).

Worrall, L. & Bell, F. (2007), Metacognition and lifelong e-learning: a contextual and cyclical process, E-Learning, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 161-71.

Lindsay, S., Smith, S., Bell, F. & Bellaby, P. (2007), Tackling the digital divide: Exploring the impact of ICT on managing heart conditions (paywall) , Journal of Information, Communication & Society, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 95-114.

Ferneley, E. & Bell, F. (2006), Using bricolage to integrate business and information technology innovation in SMEs, Technovation, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 232-41. SME_Paper_finalwithwatermark

Bell, F. & Zaitseva, E. (2005), Only Connect: Complexities in International Student Communication, E-Learning, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 342-55.

Bell, F. and A. Heinze (2004). With Regard to Respect – A Framework for the Governance of Educational Virtual Communities. International Journal of Web-based Communities 1(1): 19-33.

Bell, F. and J. Whatley (2004). Trans-national online activities for students – a pragmatic approach. Innovative Learning in Action (University of Salford) 1(1).

Whatley, J. and F. Bell (2003). Discussion Across Borders: Benefits for Collaborative Learning. Educational Media International 40(1-2, March-June 2003): 139-152. EMI paperfinal preprint

Gilbert, A. H., F. Bell, et al. (1995). Adaptive Learning of Process Control and Profit Optimisation Using a Classifier System. Evolutionary Computation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 3(2): 177-198.
