Frances Bell

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Conference Papers

Bell,F. (2016) (Dis)connective Practice in Heterotopic Spaces for Networked and Connected Learning in: Tenth International Conference on Networked Learning, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK.

Bell, F, Fletcher, G. (2012) The meaning of making – Mixing craft and Industrial Processes in Social Ecommerce, presentation at Association of Internet Researchers, October 2012, Media City, Salford.

Bell, F (2011), Emerging technologies: bridging personal and organisational uses , in: Education in a Changing Environment (ECE) 6th International Conference : Creativity & Engagement in Higher Education, 6 – 8 July 2011, The University of Salford, Greater Manchester, UK.

Bell, F (2010). Network theories for technology-enabled learning and social change: Connectivism and Actor Network theory , in: Lone, L D & Hodgson, V & Jones, C & Laat, M D & McConnell, D & Ryberg, T (eds.), Seventh International Conference on Networked Learning, Lancaster University, Aalborg, Denmark. Conference details: Seventh International Conference on Networked Learning.

Ana Cecilia Briceño Ortega & Bell, F (2008).  Online Social Lending: Borrower-generated Content, Fourteenth Americas Conference on Information Systems, Learning from the past & charting the future of the discipline,Toronto, ON, Canada, August 14th-17th, 2008.

Bell, F. Zaitseva, E.,Coates, N. (2005),Respecting Difference: Developing Governance of International Online Student Collaboration, Virtuality and Realism in WWW-based Communities. HCI International, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA., Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. HCI2005

Whatley, J., Bell, F., Shaylor, J.,Zaitseva, E.,Zakrzewska, D., (2005),CAB – Collaboration Across Borders: Peer Evaluation for Collaborative Learning, InSITE (Informing Science + IT Education), Flagstaff, Arizona

Ferneley,E. Bell, F. (2005),Tinker, Tailor: Information Systems And Strategic Development In Knowledge-Based SMEs, ECIS – Information Systems in a Rapidly Changing Economy

Bell, F. and A. Adam (2004). The problem of integrating ethics into IS practice. ECIS 2004 The European Information Systems Profession in the Global Networking Environment, Turku, Finland.

Bell, F., A. Heinze, et al. (2004). Respect and Values in Educational Discussion Fora – Towards a Progressive Governance. UKAIS 2004 Conference, Glasgow Caledonian University.

Bell, F. and J. Whatley (2004). Trans-national online activities for students – a pragmatic approach. Networked Learning Conference, 2004, Lancaster University, England, UK.

Bell, F. and A. Heinze (2004). Developing Governance of Educational Virtual Communities. IADIS International Conference, Web Based Communities 2004, Lisbon, Portugal.

Bell, F. (2003). Learning Communities – reality or feelgood factor. Education in a Changing Environment, University of Salford.

Bell, F. (2003). Bell – 2003 – Framing E-Learning Communities Within a Wider Context. ALT-C 2003, Communities of Practice, Sheffield.

Adam, A. and F. Bell (2003). Critical Information Systems Ethics. CMS3 – 3rd International Critical Management Studies Conference, Lancaster University Management School, Bailrigg, Lancaster, UK.

Bell, F., D. K. Allen, et al. (2003). Technology, Trust and Rural Tourism: Electronic Re-intermediation via a Virtual Enterprise. UKAIS 2003, University of Warwick.
Whatley, J. and F. Bell (2003). Can students benefit from collaboration across borders? ICHE, International Conference on Higher Education, Portugal.

Bell, F. and P. Handisides (2002). A simple tale of country folk? idiosyncrasies in tourism information standards. eSM@RT, The European Conference on Information and Communication Technology Advances and Innovation in the Knowledge Society, University of Salford.

Whatley, J. E. and F. Bell (2002). The Effect Upon Learning of Collaboration on Teamwork Projects Across Borders. EUNIS2002: The Eighth Conference of European University Information Systems, Porto, Portugal, EUNIS.

Bell, F., D. Howcroft, et al. (2001). From Vendor to Portal: A Case Study of Internet-Enabled Re-configuration. Proceedings of the 7th Americas Conference on Information Systems Association for Information Systems (CD-ROM), Boston, MA.

Whatley, J., F. Bell, et al. (2001). The effect upon learning of collaboration on teamwork projects across borders (abstract). ALT-C 2001: Changing Learning Environments, University of Edinburgh.

Bell, F. and L. Worrall (2000). ICT Distributed Learner Technologies, Learner Support Tools and Issues of Social Impact: Can any Man (or Woman) be an Island? GEMISIS MILLENNIUM CONFERENCE, Manchester, United Kingdom.

Bell, F. and M. C. Jones (2000). (Abstract) Reflections on the use of groupware to support a team-based approach to large-group teaching. Policy, Practice & Partnership, 7th International ALT Conference on Integrating Learning Technology, UMIST, Manchester.

Bell, F. (2000). (Abstract) Using collaborative technology to support reflection in the learning of abstract concepts. Policy, Practice & Partnership, 7th International ALT Conference on Integrating Learning Technology, UMIST, Manchester.

Worrall, L. and F. Bell (2000). (Abstract) ICT Distributed Learner Technologies, Support Tools and Issues of Social Impact: The Refinement and Enhancement of Pedagogy. Policy, Practice & Partnership, 7th International ALT Conference on Integrating Learning Technology, UMIST, Manchester.

Bell, F. (1998). (Extended Abstract) Using SSM and Software Prototyping. OR40, University of Lancaster.

Bell, F. and M. C. Jones (1998). (Poster) A Soft Systems Approach to the Evaluation of Learning Technology. ELT 98: Innovation in the Evaluation of Learning Technology, University of North London.

Bell, F. and B. J. Oates (1997). Two Frameworks For Understanding And Evaluating Information Systems Methodologies. 3rd Annual Conference of the UKAIS, University of Lincoln.

Bell, F. and M. C. Jones (1997). Explorations In University Course Delivery: Using Groupware To Support The Learning Process. BCS 5th Annual Conference on Methodologies, Training and Education of Methodology Practitioners and Researchers, Preston, Springer-Verlag.

Bell, F. (1996). Evaluation Of The Multiview Methodology Using The NIMSAD Framework. 4th BCS Information Systems Methodologies Conference, University College Cork.

Bell, F. and B. J. Oates (1994). A Framework for Method Integration. 2nd BCS Conference on Information System Methodologies, Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh.
