Frances Bell

home at last – for all the mes

What can we do at #Femedtech to celebrate International Women’s Day? #IWD2019 #OEWEEK

via GIPHY Several months ago, I volunteered for Femedtech curation for these 2 weeks because I wanted to think about how we might mark International Women’s Day at Femedtech. As it happens, Javiera Atenas contacted me a few weeks ago about a possible event during Open Education Week and on International Women’s Day. I’m pleased…

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International Women’s Day 2019 #femedtech #IWD19 #IWD2019

The theme of International Women’s Day 2019 is Better the balance, better the world #Balanceforbetter , and it’s only a month away. After experiencing the BBC’s efforts at balance, I feel slightly suspicious of the concept but I am sure that @femedtech and #femedtech can mark IWD 2019 in style, and work towards gender balance…

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Epiphanies – thanks to Shoshana Zuboff

  Today is the twelfth day of Christmas, which makes me think of twelve drummers drumming and the Christian Feast of the Epiphany that traditionally celebrates the arrival of the Wise Men from afar. And by the by, it’s also #NollaigNamBan #WomensChristmas in Ireland. noun, plural e·piph·a·nies. ( initial capital letter ) a Christian festival,…

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Crafting as a networking and wellbeing activity for #Femedtech

Femedtechdata I am pretty passionate about the network that currently appears as a Twitter hashtag #femedtech, and as a Twitter account @femedtech that has existed as shared curation space since April 2018. We have a different curator every 2 weeks, each of whom brings their own perspective and practices, growing our network (as you can…

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What can this tree teach me?

I am not a botanist or a horticulturist, just a keen and irregular gardener with a passion for plants and trees.  I  am reflective by nature and often draw on my experiences outside formal education, as well as scholarship,  to reflect on and enrich my educational philosophy. This post is about something that happened in…

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#ALTC Preconference Walking Tour details and contact

Are you in Manchester for ALTC 2018, and free on the afternoon of Monday 10 September? Then please consider joining me for a walking tour, taking in the Whitworth Art Gallery, and back to the Conference Venue in time to register. You will be free to go around the Gallery on your own or with…

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Reflecting before #ALTC : Rear view mirror and forward vision

Objects in Mirror are closer than they appear by Aniket Thakur CC BY 2.0 In preparation for our interactive presentation at ALTC 2018 A personal, feminist and critical retrospective of Learning (and) Technology, 1994-2018, Catherine Cronin and I are sharing blog posts of our personal and feminist histories in education and technology that are sometimes…

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Lurking and platforms: old conversations in changing contexts

I have recently participated (after a fashion) in a Twitter conversation about lurking, with a sense of déjà vu. I feel as if I have been in so many of these conversations over the years, and familiar themes play out whilst social and technology contexts shift. So what are the useful ways of investigating lurking,…

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Connectivism and Twitter snowball threads

This will be a quick post but I wanted to capture a few ideas sparked by a Twitter thread that probably started here. Hello #HEdigID @SuzanKoseoglu I'm Sue Watling, am interested in the design of educational opportunities, with or without technology but its 2018, the technology is going to be in there somewhere, and may…

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Femedtech -curation and what next? #femedtech

Femedtech network at time of writing Femedtech (see brief history) currently comprises a Twitter handle @femedtech and a hash tag #femedtech and a network of great people who engage variously with femedtech. There was some great collaboration in evolving the concept of femedtech – much work done behind the scenes by talented and busy women….

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